Strike Record

Strike Record

Strike Record

Over the last 10 years, PASNAP has been involved in 7 work stoppages, idling 3,075 workers.*

Idled workers

*Source: Bloomberg Law

Over the last 10 years, PASNAP has been involved in 7 work stoppages, idling 3,075 workers, according to Bloomberg Law.

What’s At Risk During a Strike?

When unions take employees to the picket line, it generally leads to:

Idled workers
  • Employers do not pay striking employees
  • Striking employees may not be eligible for unemployment benefits

Striking employees may have to pay the entire premium cost of their insurance benefits (plus an administrative fee)

In an economic strike, strikers may be permanently replaced: The striker will go on a preferential recall list, but a replacement worker has no obligation to give up the job when the strike is over.